Hard to imagine that any sane person will still be defending Donald Trump this morning. But then, the current Republican Party and the right wing squawk machine has consistently shown that sanity is not their strong suit. What say you Ron Johnson?….Tom Tiffany?….Kevin Hermening?…,…
“If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” — Samuel Adams
“It’s been a really short trip from “We won’t vote to confirm the other sides judges” to “We won’t vote to confirm the other sides cabinet” to “We won’t vote to confirm the other sides election victory”-David Freedlander
“As I just reported on @cnn with @JohnAvlon, a Republican official tells me that part of why establishment types are so angry with Josh Hawley is because they think he knows better. As the official put it: “He’s not some moron like Louie Gohmert.”-Olivia Nuzzi
“Hey, fun fact, threatening an elections official with criminal prosecution unless he rigs an election in your favor is not just impeachable but a federal crime”-Seth Abramson
“Is there a single newspaper in this country who will call on Trump to resign and be prosecuted for this call. As I remember, more than 100 called on Clinton to resign.”-Joe Lockhart
“Can you imagine how many calls like this he might have made over the past four years that we don’t yet know about?”-Michael Beschloss
“18 USC §2385 makes urging overthrow of US govt by force, violence or assassination a crime punishable by up to 20 yrs in jail and ineligibility for US govt employment for 5 yrs. 1st Am dsn’t protect those who violate §2385 by inciting imminent action. Brandenburg v Ohio (1969).”-Lawrence Tribe
“I urge anyone who thinks they can’t stomach 1 hour 6 minutes of Trump to listen anyway. This will end up in the Smithsonian under Trump’s failed coup and submitted as evidence in Mark Meadows sedition trial.”-Nicole Wallace
“Everyone who has a tape of Trump abusing his power should release it now”-Preeht Bahara
All of your major donors will be confronted with a choice. Democracy or Autocracy. America or Ron Johnson. Should they choose you, they will be shamed in the public square. We aren’t debating the delta between 39.6% and 35% tax rates anymore. You have declared war on our 244 year old Republic. You have been a patsy and complicit dissembler of Russian disinformation. Your defeat is a matter of National Security. We seek to expel you from public life and to disgrace you. Our goal is to make a lesson of you; to humiliate and Embarrass you. We have every confidence that we will succeed.-Steve Schmidt
“The audio of Trump with the Georgia secretary of state. Wow. It’s like telling the Nixon tapes to “hold my beer.”-Dan Rather
“At the end of the call, the President of the United States repeatedly asks for access to voter data that he knows is barred to him by law. He wants access to the data through a quiet, back door agreement. That’s a big deal in and of itself.”-Chris Murphy
“Trump’s lawyer Cleta Mitchell isn’t an “election lawyer” anymore. Now she’s a criminal lawyer, a criminal’s lawyer, a lawyer criminal.”-Lawrence O’Donnell twitter.com/davedaley3/sta
“There is nothing conservative about undermining democracy.”-Bradley Whitford
“To reiterate: If there was any serious notion Biden can take over and just move on without probing and prosecuting Trump’s criminality and corruption, that’s over now. America needs an aggressive AG committed to justice. It’s the only way healing is possible.”-Steven Beschloss
“STOP dismissing Gohmert’s suit to have Pence overturn the election as “far-fetched.” It’s sedition. Gohmert is guilty of attempted sedition, and should GO TO PRISON for sedition. Stop normalizing treason.”-Steve Silbermann