WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — An elementary school will now become a historical landmark in Wausau.
Tuesday evening the Wausau City Council voted unanimously to designate Grant Elementary School as a Local Historic Landmark. Grant has been the subject of community discussion following the Wausau School District’s fall referendum plan for the building. The referendum that was defeated in the November 3rd election called for the razing of the school originally built in 1909 as part of the District’s elementary school consolidation.
The process to make Grant School a historic landmark began in October when the city’s Historic Preservation Commission set up a public hearing to gauge public interest in the idea. Following the public hearing, the city Plan Commission needed to approve the landmark designation and did so unanimously at their December meeting.
At the council meeting Tuesday night, Historic Preservation Commission Chair Linda Tryczak stressed the importance of approving the landmark designation. “Your approval will provide this agricultural treasure the protection it needs and deserves as the Wausau School Board decides it’s fate. Although it survived the recent plan put forward, its future is not yet secured from future similar attacks.”
The council also heard from former alderperson and Wausau historical advocate Gary Gisselman about the building’s significance to the community during the council meetings public comment period. “A lot of community things, even not associated with the school itself, parent leagues, and whatever. It’s a community center, hockey rink, the grounds, the playgrounds, and the building itself has been a true treasure in that part of the city.”
The historic landmark designation was supported by all alders including District 3 Alder Tom Killian who expressed his support for the measure during the council meeting. “If there was a yes, no, or absolutely yes, I would be taking advantage of the last option. So I will be enthusiastically supporting this. Power to the people. Thank you.”
The historic landmark designation means the building would require a certificate of appropriateness for any alteration, addition or demolition proposed. The council also unanimously passed a rezoning ordinance for the former Shopko building to become indoor storage and mixed-use retail space.