We are seeing an increasing number of mainstream media outlets, big government politicians, big businesses and even our fellow citizens calling to silence all conservatives. Rather than engage in a meaningful dialogue or conversation, which would require critical thinking and intellectual honesty, these entities and individuals would rather America be “cleansed” of any alternate point of view from their own.
What exactly are they afraid of? The truth? Go ahead and condemn those individuals who committed violence at the U.S. Capitol recently, but remember, if the left unfairly and inaccurately attributes those actions of some on every conservative, the very same philosophy should then apply to the left and their perceived association with the violence and destruction of BLM, Antifa and all other non-peaceful protests.
What has happened to our country’s melting pot? The left has no trouble defining and defending every one whom they perceive is “deserving” of their protection and special treatment, but when it comes to a conservative point of view or a conservative’s deeply held beliefs and preferences, they instead want to eradicate us from society.
The American left’s ideology is far more dangerous than the individuals who demonstrated at the Capitol and certainly more harmful than the millions of peaceful, freedom-loving conservatives in this country.