For those of us who value breathing fresh air as a priority, we see the absurdity of the mantra “it’s for the greater good.” Acting for the greater good is a fallacy without meaning. Exactly whose greater good are we working towards?
Our inept government has decided the key to good health is by suppressing your immune system and obstructing your breathing by wearing a mask. No mention of healthy eating, daily exercise, getting enough sleep or living a healthy lifestyle. Why take care of yourself when it’s now your neighbor’s responsibility to do so? Overweight? Wear a mask! Smoker’s cough? Wear a mask! Indigestion from that Friday fish fry and fried cheese curds? Wear a mask! Can’t breathe? Wear a mask!
And now, we discover the brilliance of an 80-year old government bureaucrat: “If you cared about Grandpa Tony Fauci, you’d wear two masks.” Deal! Those who have put their faith in Government with a big ‘G’ – go right ahead. Wear three.
I will continue to freely breathe fresh air and rely upon my strong immune system. I will maintain a strict diet with vitamins and supplements, daily exercise and lean on my faith in God, just as my 101-year old Grandma Rosie did all of her life. I’ll avoid habits which everyone knows are unhealthy – not because the government erected a billboard, implemented an ineffective marketing campaign or filled the airwaves with propaganda, but because independent thinkers know better.
You take care of you and I’ll take care of me. Wear – or don’t wear a mask. I support your freedom to choose. I won’t tell you to stop smoking, eating garbage and living your sedentary lifestyle either. And because midwesterners are the original social-distancers, you don’t need to worry about my healthy, fit, mask-less self – I’ll maintain a proper distance – wouldn’t want you to catch my logic, common sense and critical thinking skills!