MARSHFIELD, WI (WSAU) — More training opportunities will become available in Wood County for firefighters.
Friday morning Mid-State Technical College announced it’s signed a ten-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department to expand local and regional training offerings for firefighters. The training will take place at 2615 S. Vine Ave at the current fire training site owned by the City of Marshfield.
Mid-State Marshfield Campus Dean Alex Lendved says the new agreement is mutually beneficial for both the school and area fire departments. “This agreement allows us to collaboratively build an amazing training facility right here in Marshfield. That not only Marshfield Fire and Rescue will continue to use but open this up to training for local departments. So high-quality training for fire and EMS personnel makes all of our communities safer.”
The formal agreement between Mid-State and Marshfield Fire and Rescue stemmed from listening sessions and surveys conducted by the College to identify solutions to better serve its surrounding communities. Lendved explains, “We heard from our area fire and EMS personnel that they need to stay close to their areas to continue to provide adequate coverage for their service areas. So this partnership is just another example of the commitment that we have in delivering on the needs of our communities and providing that training that is so greatly needed.”
The agreement will be two-fold in that Marshfield Fire and Rescue will provide the location for fire training while Mid-State Technical College will help to provide resources to enhance the equipment and buildings on the training site. With the agreement signed, Mid-State’s School of Protective & Human Services will work with the Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department to create training calendars and identify needed equipment for the training. Training at the new center is expected to begin as early as the summer of 2021.