WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) –Members of the Wausau Transit Commission heard about the results of the recently increased bus capacity limits.
Transit Director Greg Seubert says the increase from 10 passengers to 15 passengers on Metro Ride buses has gone well with students going back to in-person classes. “I would confirm that raising the limit was a good thing for our operations.
“We have seen an influx of riders when school started with their new model. We are at capacity on a number of routes. We’ve added an additional bus in the morning and then one in the afternoon at some pinch points,”.
He says the system has two concerns for potential passenger increases, parent fatigue, and warmer weather. “Our concern is that we don’t have the resources really to do much more than we are currently doing.
“We have a number of bus operator vacancies currently. Our fleet size has shrunk a bit as we’ve had to take an older vehicle out of service. And there are a number of days during the week where we just don’t have spares to react,”.
Seubert cites that the bus operator vacancies exist as the City isn’t getting any candidates to apply for the positions. He believes a couple of factors are at play including that the position is only part-time and that Metro Ride competes with yellow bus services for potential drivers.
When asked by District 1 Alder Pat Peckham about a potential timeline for increasing passenger limits again, Seubert said that Metro Ride likely won’t increase its bus capacity soon. “I would like to get our bus operators vaccinated. But until they’re vaccinated, I’m comfortable where we are,”.
Capacity limits on buses were increased from 10 to 15 passengers at the Transit Commissions February meeting.