WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — Multiple Marathon County Library employees have been placed on leave this month.
Wednesday afternoon the Marathon County Library Board met for a Special Meeting. At the meeting, the Board went into closed session to discuss a complaint the board received about an employee of the Marathon County Library. The Board also discussed with legal counsel during the closed session with respect to litigation the body could become involved in.
County Administrator Lance Leonhard confirmed in an email to WSAU News that in open session the Board “placed Library Director Ralph Illick on unpaid administrative leave and appointed Leah Giordano, Library Services Manager, as Interim Director. Two other library employees, Matthew Derpinghaus and Thomas O’Neill were also placed on unpaid administrative leave at that time,”
The Board will meet in closed session for another special meeting on Thursday, May 27th. At that meeting, the Board is agendized to discuss a complaint of an employee at the Marathon County Public Library and to consider performance evaluation data of Library Director Illick. It is possible board members could take action on the closed session items at Thursday morning’s meeting.