Marathon County Courthouse. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A resident-backed resolution was discussed at a County committee meeting.
Wednesday afternoon Marathon County’s Public Safety Committee spent a few minutes talking about a proposed resolution to declare Marathon County a “Constitutional Sanctuary County”. Committee Chair and District 13 Supervisor Matt Bootz placed the resolution on the committee’s agenda for supervisor feedback after he received some resident emails regarding the resolution.
Feedback on the resolution began with District 24 Supervisor Jean Mask. “In my opinion, this is not policy. Our committees and our county board should be focused on policy-driven issues. I think wordy resolutions are distractions that are sapping our resources from the county’s time and the talent that should be used to fulfill our statutory responsibilities.
“It makes us fragmented and vulnerable to resource-draining issues. Things like this should be addressed in a community forum, not a statutory body. We as county board members are sworn in. We pledged to uphold the Constitution when we are sworn in, I don’t think we need a resolution for that.”
Several committee members agreed including District 12 Supervisor Arnold Schlei. “Approximately 55 years ago I took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States and again when I first got on the County Board. And in between, I did not forget the first oath I took. I do not believe that this is something that should be coming to Public Safety. It’s not a policy issue. …
“I think the more of these resolutions that we see in front of us, the less time is being spent to address issues that are critical to the County and that need to be addressed. And I agree with what’s written here but I will not support it due to the fact that we already have done this. We have already agreed to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Chair Bootz says he wanted feedback on the resolution to make sure the public had their voices heard but thinks that resolutions are something that should be handled by the County’s Rules and Review Committee at this time. District 18 Supervisor and County Board Vice-Chair Craig McEwan mentioned that resolutions will be a topic of discussion at the Rules and Review Committee’s next meeting on September 16th.