Rendering of a potential indoor multi-sport facility for the Wausau School District. Image courtesy: WSD
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau Board of Education has agreed to move forward with a subcommittee to explore two proposed multipurpose athletic facilities.
Superintendent Keith Hilts says it’s no guarantee that the projects will become reality, but at least for now he and others find them worth exploring.
“I’ve explored some of the fundraising processes that have been used by other districts. Frankly, there’s a whole variety of fundraising strategies that could be implemented,” said Hilts.
One parent used his public input time to encourage the board to further examine the facilities after seeing the progress the Wisconsin Rapids School District has made with their facilities projects, adding that they received a significant amount of funding from private companies including Wood Trust Bank to carry the projects across the finish line.
Hilts confirmed he has talked to leaders in Wisconsin Rapids about how they were able to complete their projects, but didn’t elaborate on what he learned.
Board President Pat McKee said the district will begin taking applications from those interested in serving on the subcommittee right away. Those interested should contact the Superintendents office for more information.
McKee adds that the process is going to be a slow burn. “We will look for some updates as this materializes, but it’s probably going to be a while before there’s any meaningful proposals or anything.
“It seems like a step in the right direction,” he added.
The subcommittee will include some board members and will be subject to open meeting laws meaning agendas will be posted publicly and minutes will be recorded. Board members did not set a date for the subcommittee’s first meeting.
More information on the proposal can be found in Monday’s agenda packet including some renderings of what the facilities could look like.