Marshfield Clinic
MARSHFIELD, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – The number of people hospitalized with COVID is holding steady around the state, but is rising with the Marshfield Clinic system. They’re had 80 people hospitalized with COVID in the last week.
While health officials say numbers are lower than last year, they say the degree of illness patients are experiencing is worse.
“What I will say is that these folks are sicker, and they’re certainly younger,” Kate Maguire, Director of Infection Prevention at Marshfield Clinic told WAOW-TV, “That’s what we’re really seeing over a long period of time is that the intensity of illness is different, the severity of illness is different this time around.”
Hospitals all over the country are maxed out on space, and they’ve been turning to the Marshfield system for help. “We’re getting calls from all over the country, as well as Canada,” said Maguire.
She says that while they’re not accepting patients from outside the Marshfield System, some patients are being transferred from one facility to another to provide patients with the best care they need.
The Marshfield Clinic System says it’s working hard to care for every patient, and that people can do part in stopping the spread by masking up and making good choices.