Law enforcement officers from Wausau and Marathon County honored in Washington DC
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – Five officers from the Wausau Police Department and Marathon County Sheriff’s Department were honored last week in Washington D.C at a national banquet.
The recognition was part of the National Association of Police Organizations Top Cop Awards banquet, in conjunction with the handling of a shooting incident in Wausau last January.
Shawn Pierschalla, Ben Price and Michael Horejs were the recipients of the award from the Wausau Police Department. Steve Denovi and Brandon Stroik from the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department were the other award winners from the area.
“Every once in awhile you have those standout incidents, where all of your training and all of your courage is called upon in order to act appropriately.” Wausau Police Department Patrol Capt. Todd Baeten said.
Capt. Baeten went on to say this is one of the largest honors an officer can receive for dynamic and high caliber situations while showing a level of heroism and commitment to the job.