We continue our look back at the music of 50 years ago…..
Sometimes one song is enough to make an album a worthy purchase. Such is the case with the title track from Savoy Brown’s 8th LP, “HellBound Train”. The song chugs along with an underlying of menace. You can almost see and hear the skeletons of the doomed souls making their way to perdition. Andy Silvester’s bass and Dave Bidwell’s drum shine on this cut but the rest of the band kicks it up a notch as well.
The band was always been driven by Kim Simmonds stinging blues riffs and solos. But this LP also has some nice organ work from Paul Raymond.
His song “Troubled By These Days and Times” could have easily appeared on a Joe Cocker album and the first song on the LP, “Doin Fine” sees the boys chanelling their inner CCR.
Even the throw-away tunes have their merits…but it’s all leading to the smoldering finale that shows the band in all their glory.
If you don’t have this tune on your phone or device, get downloading now. It’s worth every penny of what you’ll pay.
The production can be muddy at times, muting the power of Simmonds guitar and Dave Walker’s vocals which is interesting since the engineer on the project was Roy Thomas Baker, who would soon go on to big things with Queen.
This is a 70’s band that never really gets their due anymore. That’s too bad.