WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The 2022 Spring Parade of Homes from the Wausau Area Builder’s Association begins Tuesday at 5 PM.
Travis Herman with Timber River Custom Homes says after two years of adjustments, this year’s event is back to pre-pandemic protocols with nearly a dozen homes to look at including one remodeled unit.
Herman says having a home that isn’t brand new is a new twist to the parade, and should help those looking for inspiration for their own home. “Featuring remodeled projects in the Parade is a great opportunity for homeowners to get out and see what can be done, get ideas, or talk to the builders.”
The event also helps those who may want to build new develop a relationship with a builder, something that he says is a critical part of the process. “They are all going to be very well-versed in working with customers. The last thing you want to do is be overwhelmed when you are building a new home, you want this to be an enjoyable process; something that’s memoriable.”
Herman says those that are in the market to either build or do major remodeling should still expect some of the headaches brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic such as supply chain issues or long lead times for certain appliances and fixtures. Though he says some lumber prices are starting to settle at what he says may become the “new normal.”
There are 11 homes featured on this year’s tour from Merrill to Kronenwetter and Marathon City to Wittenberg. Homes will be open for paradegoers from 5 to 9 PM on both Tuesday and Wednesday, then from noon to 9 Thursday and Friday. Saturday and Sunday hours are 11 AM to 5 PM.
Admission is $10 for the week and can be purchased at any home in the parade. For the complete list of homes and addresses click here.