We continue our look back at the music of 50 years ago…..
In 1972 the band was already working on what would be their masterpiece. Pink Floyd was in the studio cutting tracks that became “Dark Side of The Moon” when they were asked to score a french film called “La Vallee”.
The band had done music for movies before so they paused their work on the new LP and sent the movie’s director some stuff to use.
You can hear shades of Dark Side on a few of these cuts and the band does a few songs on the LP that are more accessible than the usual movie soundtrack stuff of the day. Shorter songs too with the longest clocking in at 5:52.
My faves include the instrumentals “When Youre In” and “Mud Men” along with two songs with lyrics from David Gilmour & Roger Waters , “The Gold It’s In The…”, “Wot’s…Uh The Deal”,….plus a Gilmour solo ‘Childhood’s End” and a Waters track “Free Four”(which almost sounds Top 40 radio friendly).
Some fans see this as a sidetrack project and not a full Pink Floyd LP…and while it’s no ‘Dark Side of The Moon” or “The Wall”…it does produce some interesting stuff.