WAUSAU, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – After the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, teachers in Wausau are being trained to assess threats in school buildings and on school property.
Officials said communication plays a vital role in preventing threats to schools and students. “Our goal of today’s training is to really help people understand the risk factors and the warning signs that indicate that a child may be on a pathway to violence and requires intervention,” said Trish Kilpin, Director of the DOJ Office of School Safety.
Those warning signs include negative home factors, social stressors, and interests in violent topics. Thursday, the Wisconsin Department of Justice gave teachers at the Wausau School District the tools they need.
“We have had the opportunity to intervene in many acts of planned school violence and make sure people get the help and the support they need and deserve so those acts don’t happen,” Kilpin said.
Officials with the Wausau School district said they want to prevent violence of all kinds.
“When we’re talking threat assessment it’s not always talking about a shooter. It’s talking about potential violence, potential problems that you have and how we intervene at an early level with our students to make sure that doesn’t occur,” said Cale Bushman, Director of Pupil Services for the Wausau School District.
It’s not just teachers, parents also play a vital role. Officials said if you see something, say something, even if it means having difficult conversations.
“If parents are uncomfortable, they aren’t sure, reach out to their principal, their counselor, Director of Pupil Services, whatever it might be and have those discussions with them because we want to make sure everybody feels good about what’s going on,” Bushman said.
The Department of Justice says it’s better to over-report than under as it could save lives. You can report suspicious behavior by calling 1-800-MY-SUSO-1.