Wood County
Clarification of Misinformation Circulating on YouTube and Facebook_
WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WI (WSAU) — Wood County Board Chairman Lance Pliml has released a statement regarding a video posted to YouTube and other outlets which shows a group of men becoming confrontational after being told to stop filming in the County’s Human Services clinic.
“I wanted to clarify what had gone on if you’ve seen that video,” said Pliml. “In Wood County, we have open lobbies and open reception areas; but there are private staff and office areas where the general public does not get to come in and film.”
Additionally, he says the group incorrectly identified some of the county offices and employees featured in the video, including Health Officer Sue Smith who was not around at the time of the incident. Now some of those employees are getting threatening messages. “Because [those filming the video] didn’t verify anything they did and posted incorrect information these employees have received threats and some of the most vulgar voice mails and emails that I’ve ever seen.
“What we want to do is make sure that, at least in our local markets, people know that the people identified in the video weren’t available at the time. They weren’t there. Some of the offices that they claimed to not be able to get into were closed since it was Friday afternoon,” he added.
He says the group became confrontational after they were told they can’t film in the Humans Services area due to privacy rules, which made it seem as if their goal all along was to instigate.
View the entire statement from the county in the PDF attached to this story.
Pliml says he’s proud of how the employees handled the situation and they will use it as a learning experience and may invest in more employee training and signage to make it clear what areas are accessible and what isn’t.