Ski lifts at Granite Peak. Image courtesy: WAOW TV
An open house will be held Wednesday for public feedback on the Rib Mountain State Park Master Plan.
Officials with the Wisconsin DNR have been working for months on revisions to the plan, which could lead to more recreation areas for more sports and a re-working of the downhill ski offerings at Granite Peak.
The open house is scheduled to begin at 4:00 PM and will be held at Northcentral Technical College in the Center for Health Sciences Building- Room 1004 A/B.
DNR Staff will give a presentation on the goals and objectives for the proposal at 5:30. The open house is scheduled to run through 7:00.
The agency has opened a section of the Rib Mountain State Park Master Plan website for comment as well. Those will be taken through the end of the month. Comments can also be sent to the DNR office in Madison via the USPS using the printable form on the website.
WSAU News will be at tonight’s open house and will have more on this story with the DNR coming up Wednesday evening.