Materials presented at a DNR open house on the Rib Mountain State Park Master Plan. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is two years into its latest revision of the Rib Mountain State Park Master Plan.
“The park is well-used now, as I think most people know,” said John Polman with the DNR’s planning division. “But we are looking for ways to help make it more of a community asset. We need public feedback on how best to do that.”
He and others were set up at NTC Wednesday to provide information on the park’s current offerings and others that aren’t included but could be part of the future of the park.
“We’re looking at everything from mountain biking to hiking and camping, rock climbing; all sorts of things,” added Polman.
Polman says they are also working with Granite Peak Ski Area and their consultants on how the proposals tie into their operations.
He adds that they are two years into a multi-year plan, and there will be more chances for feedback from the public before the plan is adopted. That includes after the final draft of the plan is complete.
Those who couldn’t attend Wednesday’s session can still submit feedback on the latest stage of the plan directly to Polman’s office.