Representatives from SC Swiderski give a presenation to city leaders in Schofield. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
SCHOFIELD, WI (WSAU) — Two developers gave presentations to leaders in Schofield on Monday, looking to win over the city for the rights to redevelop the land they were occupying at the time of the presentation.
S.C. Swiderski and Lokre both spent about 15 minutes making their pitch to a joint session of the city’s Economic Development Committee and Community Development Authority. Mayor Kregg Hoehn said both companies make sense for what the city is looking for in the area.
“The two proposals fit really well for what the city is looking for,” said Hoehn. “We have more questions and more work on our end, and will hopefully come up with one of the developers in the next few weeks.”
Lokre’s plans call for 30 condo units and 100 apartments. S.C. Swiderski is proposing 100 apartments. Both plans include outdoor amenities and parking facilities, and also call for a level of city involvement with the project
Hoehn adds that by waiting a few weeks they can also delay their pending move out of the current City Hall building and into a new space at the city garage on Alderson Street. Meaning residents should expect no change in where they conduct city business until the new year. “We will run our elections as normal. By spring of next year we will probably be moving on out depending on the development agreement we come up with.
“It’s just about perfect for us,” added Hoehn.
A third group, Middleton-based Commonwealth Development, also submitted a proposal for around 50 apartments but no representative of the group was present at Monday’s meeting. Hoehn stopped short of saying their group was out of the running for the land but did say they are leaning toward Swiderski and Lokre.
“Those are the two proposals that fit in with our plans for the area, and they are the two that showed up today to give us a little more in-depth [discussion,] said Hoehn.
RELATED: Schofield Receives Three Proposals for City Hall Property
Hoehn says they plan to come back in the next 2-3 weeks to recommend one of the proposals to the full council.