Wausau School District. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — A Cleveland, Ohio-based company has been selected to help the Wausau School District conduct a safety and security audit of all buildings.
National School Safety and Security submitted the winning bid out of a group of seven agencies. Wausau School District Director of Pupil Services Cale Bushman says the group specializes in school safety.
“There are certain variables a school has that a Church or insurance agency doesn’t,” said Bushman. “[They] understand that process.”
Bushman adds that he did contact other districts that have worked with National School Safety and Security, and all provided “overwhelmingly positive” reviews of the company.
The audit will cost the district $62,750.
The group will conduct the audit between now and the end of the school year. Bushman expects they will also make themselves available over the next few years to answer questions and provide guidance regarding the results.