WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — There was no decision Tuesday regarding a proposal to name the John Marshall School as a historic structure in the City of Wausau.
The council voted 6-4 to table action on the proposal, allowing for another month of discussion on the issue. Alder Carol Lukens, whose district includes the school, said any decision needs to be made carefully with consideration for those that will be impacted the most. “I want this to be a careful process,” she said.
Alder Lisa Rasmussen said leaving groups like the school’s Parent Teacher Organization out of the discussion is not a good look either.
“There needs to be a broader conversation here than us just making the decision,” said Rasmussen. “One of the most valuable assets grade schools have is their PTO. That’s a group of engaged parents that care about outcomes. If they weren’t asked, and if the adjacent neighborhood wasn’t asked, I feel like that is really selling them short.”
Alder Gary Gisselman argued against the move, saying the discussion about the designation has been going on for months with plenty of opportunity for engagement at both the Plan Commission and Historic Preservation Committee levels. “The school administration knew this was coming.
“It is the obligation of the historic landmarks commission to safeguard our public spaces, our public buildings. John Marshall has been there for 100 years, it is a historic building,” he added.
Public input on the issue was split. Superintendent Keith Hilts and Principal Amanda Patterson were two who spoke against the move.
RELATED: Wausau School Board Signs Letter Opposing Historic Designation for John Marshall School
The matter had passed the city’s Historic Preservation Commission and Plan Commission on votes of 5-1 and 6-0. It will be back on the agenda for the Wednesday, November 9th City Council meeting, one day after the mid-term election.