Stop sign extended on a Marshfield school bus. Image courtesy: WAOW TV
WAUSAU WI (WAOW TV-WSAU) – After a number of close calls with drivers not stopping for school buses, the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department is reminding people to take it slow while driving when there’s a bus in sight.
“The most important part, they’re worried about the kiddos,” said Lt. Ted Knoeck of the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department speaking on bus drivers.
It’s an issue many areas are seeing, and frustration is mounting for bus companies and authorities in Marathon County.
“In average, they guess about maybe 20 violations per week that each bus company has, and probably two or three of those are reported because they’re not able to get all the information,” said Knoeck.
That is leading bus companies to add cameras to catch the violators. The cameras are seeing a payoff as authorities are finding it much easier to catch drivers in the act.
One of the biggest issues the department sees is some drivers treating the stop lights as more of a suggestion.
“That’s a dangerous chance to take and something to live with for the rest of your life by possibly injuring or killing a child,” said Knoeck.
If a driver sees the amber light on the bus, that’s an indicator that the bus is about to slow down. Once the red stop lights are flashing, keep at least a 20 foot distance between the vehicle and the bus.
A typical citation for this violation costs over $300 with four points taken off your driver’s license. Authorities say they don’t want to write out those tickets, but have to for a greater cause.
The department says that if a drivers sees another vehicle blow through a school bus stop, they shouldn’t take photos or videos while behind the wheel, but can remember the license plate. Then call the non-emergency number for the Marathon County Sheriff’s Department.