Marathon County Courthouse. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) – Two people are being charged with child neglect after officers found several children residing in an apartment in Marathon County that was deemed unlivable.
On December 20th, the Colby-Abbotsford police department launched an investigation after receiving an anonymous tip. When police arrived, they discovered the apartment smelled of decaying food and garbage, as well as feces on the walls and other unsanitary conditions. Soon after, police decided that the children could no longer stay.
The four children, ranging from ages four to thirteen, were taken to a safe location while Marathon County Social Services cleans and further inspects the apartment.
Matthew Weber, 39, and Megan S. Johnson, 38, are scheduled to appear in Marathon County Circuit Court on February 23rd. Each faces four counts of child neglect, two of which are felonies.