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MADISON, WI (WSAU) — A baiting and feeding ban for deer has been extended in Marathon County after two animals harvested last year tested positive for Cronic Wasting Disease.
According to the Department of Natural Resources, a two-year-old doe taken during the November gun deer season and a doe taken during the December antlerless season both tested positive for the disease. The deer were taken in the Towns of Elderon and Ringle.
DNR officials have now reset the clock on a county-wide feeding and baiting ban for deer, meaning the practice will not be allowed until at least 2026.
CWD is a fatal disease that attacks the nervous system of deer, moose, elk, and similar animals. It’s highly contagious and spreads through contact with blood, saliva, and other discharged matter.
A bating and feeding ban is designed to keep the animals from gathering around a shared food source, thereby limiting the opportunity to spread the disease.