Wausau School District. MWC file photo.
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau School District has voted down a proposal to put an advisory referendum before voters on the April 2024 ballot regarding restructuring.
Superintendent Keith Hilts says he knows that goes against the wishes of nearly 2,000 people who have signed a change.org petition calling for the move, but he wants them to know that the board and administration still value their input.
“[We’re] still interested in community input, but using it for different purposes,” said Hilts. “The other thing that’s very clear today is that this is a very difficult and important decision for the board. They are very interested in student, staff, and community needs.”
The topic sparked spirited conversation among the board members including a lengthy back-and-forth between Karen Vandenberg and Pat McKee. President Jim Bouche stepped in at one point to break up that dialog and make sure others could give their input.
Judy Reyes called out those who think she is on the board to pass a hidden agenda, saying she only wants what’s best for the students and families of the district.
Hilts welcomed all of that dialog and noted that there is plenty more to come. Additionally, Monday’s vote would have had no impact on planning for the district’s restructuring plan even if it had passed. “We would still proceed with the planning for the change. We will continue to have conversations about childcare and elementary schools. We will continue to bring the information back to the board as we get it.
“The board wants the input and they want to make sure they are doing what’s best for students,” added Hilts.
Hilts added that there is a parliamentary process by which the idea could resurface, but that would be a board decision for a later time.
In the meantime, he’s encouraging residents to continue asking questions and digesting the information about the change that’s out there, including the district’s special restructuring website. He and others in the Administration team will also be giving presentations and taking questions on the issue at some upcoming neighborhood and group meetings, and the district has also scheduled its first two quarterly open meetings on the topic for April 26th. The first one is scheduled for noon at the downtown library, the second will be at NTC from 5:70 to 7:30 PM.
In addition to voting down the proposed referendum, board members also instructed the Administration team to have more detailed discussions with leaders of the Woodson YMCA regarding the possible creation of a childcare facility. Hilts says those talks are in the very early stages, but current plans would call for the facility to be staffed and managed by the YMCA in one of the closed elementary schools. The school district would continue to own the building, and a certain number of spaces would be reserved for district staff.
The board also approved a coop agreement between East and West high for boys’ swimming. The sport has been offered at East, but at least one athlete at West has expressed interest in participating.