Schofield City Hall. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
WSAU News will be at a pair of meetings in Schofield and Wausau on Tuesday where the respective City Councils are looking at two development projects.
In Schofield, the Council is set to vote on a proposal for a new multi-family housing unit at the current City Hall site, which has been in the works for several months. Plans call for over 90 apartment units and some condos along with other amenities.
The city has been working to redevelop the land, which is some of the last developable waterfront property in the Wausau area, since last summer when they started crafting plans to move City Hall from its current location to the city garage on Alderson Street. Those plans were finalized in May 2022. Later that fall three different developers submitted proposals for multi-family housing units at the site, two of whom ultimately presented to the City Council. Shortly thereafter they began negotiating with S.C. Swiderski for the terms of the deal.
A copy of the proposed development agreement is included with Tuesday’s agenda packet which can be found here. The meeting begins at 6:00 PM at the current city hall location on Park Street.
Additionally, the Wausau City Council is set to discuss changes to the development agreement for Athletic Park between the City and the Wisconsin Woodchucks baseball club. The agreement calls for the city to provide new parking facilities at the ballpark over the next four years; including the conversion of some lots near the park for parking and updated lighting for some temporary lots that are currently in use.
The agreement calls for 150 new, permanent spots by 2027.
Woodchucks owner Mark MacDonald called for the city to provide a better parking experience for fans after the city defaulted on a previous agreement.
Tonight’s meeting begins at 6:30 at City Hall and will be followed by a special committee of the whole meeting dedicated to examining the issue of homelessness in Wausau.