STEVENS POINT, WI (WSAU) — Road crews in Stevens Point have remained busy patching and fixing potholes this spring.
Mayor Mike Wiza says they have four crews working to cover the city, but that still means they can’t get everywhere at once.
“It’s like painting the Golden Gate Bridge. We can fix every pothole in the city by October. But come next spring there will be potholes,” said Wiza. “Some of them get pretty massive, and if you’re not careful there can be damage done [to your vehicle.]”
Wiza says your best bet is to pay attention to changing road conditions and slow down if you can’t avoid a pothole. Residents should always feel free to contact the city streets department to report problem areas as well so crews can get them on their list.
The IT department is also working to roll out a feature that will allow residents to report potholes directly from the city’s official app. Once that’s active users will have the option to use their devices’ location to provide a report to the city if they are near the problem, or they’ll be able to provide an address and drop a pin on the location they’re reporting.
Wiza says one of the pothole crews is working with their new infrared filler, which helps create a longer-lasting patch in the roadway. The results of that machine have been so positive that the city is considering the purchase of a second one.
Other topics Mayor Wiza discussed with WSAU’s Mike Leischner include:
Start of video- potholes
8:30- city Easter Egg hunt and scavenger hunt
12:20- road referendum question information
14:20- Trivia 53 preview