WAUSAU, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – Wausau is seeking public input on a potential new housing project.
The city is asking residents near Thomas Street what kinds of developments they want to see fill open land parcels near Emter Street.
On Wednesday, the city solicited feedback from a small group of people via a visual preference survey at Riverside Park.
Previous proposals had been met with opposition from neighbors, so officials say this type of messaging is intended to keep everyone’s interests and preferences in mind.
“It’s a balance between having enough people to provide the feedback and input that really makes a solid development and also not putting too many cooks in the kitchen,” said Liz Brodek, the city’s development director, to WAOW.
She says the current plan is to present their findings at a Finance Committee meeting in May and to distribute the survey to as many people as possible in the area.