CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) There is renewed interest in the shroud of Turin, which some claim is the linen that was used in Jesus Christ’s burial.
For the faithful, it is tantalizing that we might actually be able to see and hold a relic that connects us to Christ’s time on earth. Others say the shroud is a not authentic.
I, honestly, don’t know. I’m not qualified to offer an opinion one way or the other. My opinion would only be based on the analysis of some other expert, and I’d have to way to know who to trust.
I suppose I lean ‘slightly skeptical’ on the shroud of Turin’s authenticity. Why? It has nothing to do with carbon dating or thread count. Because, in my experience, that isn’t how God works.
God is all-powerful. If He wanted to give us an indisputable sign that shows ‘I am real, I exist’ he could. So why doesn’t God do that? Because that crowds out faith, which is believing in something that cannot be fully proved. And I believe that God wants each of us to examine our hearts and what we know about Him and decide for ourselves if we believe.
I do. I’m convinced beyond all doubt that God exists: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The shroud of Turin doesn’t alter my faith. And it is authentic, would it be held up in the face of non-believers? Here is your sign. Bow down or be condemned? No, that’s not the God I know. If you have doubts, keep wrestling with the issues of faith. I believe in time you’ll decide for yourself.
Chris Conley