Disclaimer for the very dim-witted: **THIS IS AN OPINION PIECE** Duh!
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow – the media darling of weak-minded leftists – sells her soul for $30 million/year.
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So much for altruistic liberals (they don’t exist.)
Suspending all logic, how much did it cost to sell your soul, Democrats – a free donut, a cream puff, a VISA gift card or some pot? Or did you just give it away?
The very definition of dumb, cheap – and gullible.
Listen to the person who is paid $30 million a year by Comcast for feeding lies to the planet's most partisan liberals — she's the one who last night said MSNBC would refuse to allow Trump to be heard because she fears the cost of broadcasting lies:pic.twitter.com/JJgOeSqVCP
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) April 5, 2023