Wausau Water Works
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wisconsin Public Service Commission has scheduled a virtual public hearing on the proposed rate increase brought forward by the Wausau Water Works utility.
The hearing is set for May 18th at 3:00 PM and will be conducted both over Zoom and via telephone for those who don’t have a reliable internet connection. Information on how to connect to the meeting can be found below:
Join Zoom over the internet at:
To join Zoom telephone:
1. Dial: +1 312 626 6799
2. Enter: 809 513 2930 # (Meeting ID)
Documents related to the proposed increase including the application can be found by clicking here. Written comments will also be accepted through that website through May 22nd.
RELATED: Sticker Shock at the Faucet: Wausau Water Works Proposes Significant Rate Increase for 2023
The increase comes at the reccomendation of the city’s financial consultants, Ehlers Financial. During a December 2020 meeting representatives of Ehlers noted that the utility’s cash reserves have been depleated, along with the cost of installing a granular activated carbon filtration system.