CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – I didn’t plan on revisiting the topic of Wausau East Band Director Rob Perkins again. I can’t help myself; the most recent developments are simply too outrageous.
Earlier this morning there was a protest rally outside of Wausau East “in regards to the recent Wausau East High school incident where band teacher, Robert Perkins, repeatedly used, inappropriate and offensive language to include racial slurs, sexist comments, and homophobic statements. The determination from the Wausau school board did not address the gross misconduct of Robert Perkins, and did not mention reparation for those he harmed.” I wish I could have been there.
I would have asked the student-protesters, “What exactly did he say?” And then, “did you actually hear him say it?” And, after they respond “no,” I would ask them do they feel a tinge of accountability that you are sullying the reputation of a teacher without knowing the facts. Students have the right to demonstrate about whatever the issue of the day is. But this is a lesson about using your rights responsibly, and the protest organizers are failing miserably.
The Wausau School Board allowed Rob Perkins to return to the classroom after its investigation. But last week came word that the state will conduct its own investigation. The Department of Public Instruction can’t fire Mr. Perkins, but they do have power over his teaching license. You can be certain they intend to use it.
Of course, all that’s missing is the facts. The alleged victim’s father posted on social media an allegation that Perkins used slurs towards his son. That cannot be the basis of an investigation. Repeating what someone else told you is hearsay. The father, unless he was present at the time and heard what was said, is a hearsay witness. Any investigation that loosely follows rules of evidence would be interested only in hearing from people who were there and heard and saw what happened. That part of the story is missing.
There are other parts of this story that make no sense. Rob Perkins taught at East for 11 years. Did he suddenly became a racist homophobe? He’s undoubtedly taught dozens of Hmong and LGBTQ students. Yet this is the first complaint against him. Why is that? The overwhelming likelihood is that whatever Mr. Perkins said – and I have no idea – was misunderstood or misinterpreted.
Chris Conley