The Wausau Water Works Commission and City Finance Committee will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday to hear a presentation from Community Infrastructure Partners regarding plans to replace some 8,000 lead service lines remaining in the city.
The presentation includes a proposed timeline for lead service line replacement in the city which begins later this year with an informational campaign and removal and replacement of lines in high-priority areas. Peak program years would begin in 2025 with between 500-700 lines replaced per year with a focus on block replacement to maximize efficiency.
The program would wind down between 2037-2038.
The presentation also includes information on lead service line replacement methods, possible funding avenues, and examples of how other communities have handled information campaigns.
There’s still no solid answer to the million-dollar question- that being how much funding the city can secure for lead service line replacement, and how much it would cost each property owner.
Notes on the presentation can be found as part of Tuesday’s agenda packet by clicking here. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:15, and the joint session is the first item on the agenda. No action is expected.