WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) – Another notable Republican has announced that he will not be running against Tammy Baldwin for the U.S. Senate.
Rep. Tom Tiffany, who represents Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District and was rumored to be interested in running for the Senate, will instead be seeking reelection to Congress.
In a press release Tiffany said, “After talking with my family, I have decided to run for reelection in Wisconsin’s Seventh District. While Tammy Baldwin is vulnerable due to her record as a rubber stamp for President Biden, I can make the greatest impact by continuing to serve the great people of Wisconsin in the House of Representatives. ”
“America and Wisconsin can do better than the current status quo. I look forward to working with our nominees for President and U.S. Senate to turn Wisconsin red in 2024,” Tiffany continued.
Back in June, Rep. Mike Gallagher also stated on Twitter that he would not be running for Baldwin’s seat saying, “As the representative of Northeast Wisconsin and Chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, I have a rare, bipartisan opportunity in the 118th Congress to help restore American strength, prevent war in the Pacific, and defend our basic freedoms from communist aggression.”
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke is now expected to be the frontrunner to run for the Senate, and a June Marquette Law Poll found that Clarke has a 48% favorable rating from Republican voters and leaners as well as a 25% favorable rating overall. The poll also found that 40% of Wisconsin voters had a positive view of Tammy Baldwin, 37% viewed her unfavorably, and 22% had no opinion.