CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – People who lie about their personal experiences have an inferiority complex. They think the accomplishments of their own lives are inadequate, so they embellish. Someone who tells the same lie after it is revealed as untrue is neurotic. Why else would you say things that the listeners know isn’t true?
Joe Biden told a new lie during his visit to Milwaukee last week. He was talking up his infrastructure bill, and to illustrate the need he told his audience that he was there, in Pittsburgh, when an old highway bridge collapsed right in front of him. And the President told the Milwaukeeans, “True story, I swear to God.”
Well, the President is a liar and a blasphemer. Every moment of the President’s travels are documented. Reporters follow him every moment he is in a public setting. Joe Biden did not witness a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh. It simply didn’t happen.
And the lie itself is stupid. It is easily fact-checked as false. And the political fight over infrastructure spending has already been won by the President and his allies. The money is already being pushed out of Washington and being funnelled into projects around the country. The lie distracts from one of Joe Biden’s few political victories.
Add this to a long and silly list. A swimming pool brawl with Corn Pop probably isn’t true. Joe Biden was not arrested in South Africa while on a pilgrimage to see Nelson Mandella. He was not at the top of his class at Syracuse Law. He wasn’t honored by a retired Amtrak conductor for a million miles of rail travel.
Now those lies are meaningless embellishments. But remember, Joe Biden lies about real policy things too. “Inflation is going down.” No, it isn’t. Prices just aren’t rising as fast. “I don’t have anything to do with my son’s business deals,” which is now “I was never in business with my son.” Remember, when you’re estranged from the truth that usually isn’t isolated to just one area.
Chris Conley