Moose sighting in Vilas County (DNR)
EAGLE RIVER, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – A moose was spotted in Vilas County the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources posted over the weekend.
The moose was actually spotted in June by a Snapshot Wisconsin trail camera.
In a Facebook post it said: “The Snapshot Wisconsin community is excited to announce that a moose was spotted in Vilas County!”Snapshot Wisconsin is a partnership to monitor wildlife year-round using a statewide network of trail cameras. The project provides data needed for wildlife management decision support.
Several moose have been spotted by Snapshot Wisconsin trail cameras throughout the project, with this image captured in June being the first confirmed moose sighting in Wisconsin this year.
Typically there are roughly 30 or so moose sightings in Wisconsin yearly. The post said: “Considered a rare species in the state of Wisconsin, Snapshot Wisconsin staff and volunteers are excited to come across such a clear, unique image of a moose wandering through the northern regions of the state.”