Ivan Radic / CC
A few years ago, the malevolent leftists among us decided we needed a “Marathon County is No Place for Hate/Community for the Like-Minded” resolution NOT because there is an epidemic of hatred here but because they are intolerant of those with whom they disagree politically. And this would be a way to stick it to and silence the left’s opponents.
Then, to perpetuate the narrative, they rallied around an alleged local news source that published a lie about a citizen and proceeded to use the weak-minded lemmings in this community to repeat the lie and shop “the liar is the victim” narrative to other alleged news sources throughout the country. All a thinking person has to do is read the deposition of the local alleged news source’s editor to realize that at the heart of the hit piece is hatred for the person that was defamed.
The pièce de résistance is this week’s one-sided panel discussion on “hate speech v. free speech in Wausau” with the Wisconsin Attorney General chillingly stating that he’d like to see a “‘Civil Rights Enforced Authority’ as part of the Department of Justice.”
Is that leftist code for censorship and the elimination of the 1st Amendment for anyone with whom they disagree?
“Hate speech” crimes?
It appears that the resident Dems are borrowing a page out of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels’ playbook, “if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.”
It’s become quite clear that Democrats loathe the Constitution and what it represents until there’s a loophole (14th Amendment?) to eliminate their top opponent in the upcoming presidential election (because their candidate can’t tie his shoes.)
And to think that the weak-minded left loved Elon Musk’s electric cars until…Gasp! They found out he supports free speech! How dare he go against the narrative.
As if. We don’t see right through them.
The Liars on the Left. I know, it’s redundant.