CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – There is an unpleasant man roaming around Marathon County. To spare him further embarrassment, I won’t use his name. He is an embarrassment to himself when he opens his mouth.
This individual goes on loud, obnoxious rants at public events. He’s been seen yelling at events on the 400-block and he’s shown up at city and county meetings. He’s obnoxious. What he yells would be classified as ‘hate speech.’
He has the right. He’s exercising his free speech rights. While I find what he’s saying reprehensible, he has a right to say it.
Consider two different approaches to his foul screed. There’s the ‘Conley approach’. “Sir, you’re ranting like a lunatic. Jews do not control the world. There is not a Zionist plot to control our banking and entertainment industries. All that’s missing is proof. And I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood… these are great people. They continue to flourish after a sustained effort to exterminate them a few, short generations ago. Their corner of the Middle East is a functioning democracy in a corner of the world filled with religious dictatorships. Your words are an embarrassment to yourself.”
So – I will stake my ideas against his. Mine will win out.
Now consider the approach of Wisconsin’s Attorney General Josh Kaul, who proposes a civil rights enforcement division within his office. Someone who is offended picks up the phone and says an unpleasant man is saying unpleasant things. Please investigate. What happens next? Is he fined? Or arrested? Are we really ready to lock people up because we don’t like what they’re saying?
I hope not. Because I can see where this leads. Someone will call our intrepid Attorney General’s office and will say “Meg Ellefson says we shouldn’t get COVID shots. She’s putting the most vulnerable at risk… make her stop.” Or “Chris Conley said that the LGBTQ community shouldn’t have special rights, and he doesn’t like gay marriage. Make him stop.”
Such civil rights enforcement cannot be squared with freedom of speech. Fine the radio station? Sue the hosts? Of course not. If you have opposing views, put them out there. In time, I’m sure the American people will land on the truth without one side being told to shut up.
Chris Conley