Nekoosa Police Patch - Photo by Nekoosa Police Department
NEKOOSA, WI (WSAU) – At around 7:45 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, it was reported to the Nekoosa police that a student on a school bus was overheard discussing bringing a “bomb” to school.
A potential threat was made against Humke Elementary School, which was discovered during an investigation. Before entering the school, police officers located and apprehended the involved person.
As the investigation developed, it was discovered that the individual had no desire to cause harm. According to law enforcement, the incident looks to have been nothing more than a meaningless chat, and no one was ever in danger.
Humke Elementary School was evacuated, and staff and students remained outside of the building due to the intensity of the situation and the timing of the arrival information. The Wood County Sheriff’s Department’s K9 bomb detection unit searched and cleared the entire building.
At approximately 11:00 a.m., staff and students were permitted to return to their classrooms.