VFW Flag Retirement Ceremony. Image courtesy: WAOW TV
MOSINEE, WI (WSAU-WAOW) – Veterans, community members, and law enforcement gathered to retire American flags.
The event ceremony took place at the Peplin VFW Post 8280 as a way to show people the proper way to respectfully dispose of flags that are no longer usable.
“We have gathered so many flags up and just today alone up by our table there is about 400 hundred flags all together” said Organizer, Patrick Pierce.
One by one veterans, first responders, and the boy scouts were allowed to bring flags to the veterans as they were tossed in the fire. One veteran describes some things people often forget. “How to properly dispose of it when it’s worn out and how to treat it like saluting, standing, uncovering and so forth,” said, VFW Member Herb Westlund.
You can visit VFW for website to learn more about how to dispose of an American flag properly.