CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Who would have thought that 50,000 people would gather in London last weekend chanting “kill the Jews”. In Australia, the chant was “f— the Jews, gas ‘em all.” In Times Square roughly equal numbers of people gathered on other sides of the street, screaming profanities at each other.
Do not be confused. It’s intellectually dishonest to call these ‘pro Palestinian’ rallies. The event that brought these hooligans into the streets was Hamas slaughtering 1,400 Jews during a sneak attack earlier this month. They’re celebrating the deaths of innocents.
You will hear that Israel is an apartheid state. Not true. In Israel there are 2.1-million ethnic Arabs, about 20-percent of the population, who have full Israeli citizenship. They are free to travel and work and vote as they wish. They are full participants in that nation’s daily life. Others who live in Gaza and the West Bank have work privileges in Israel. But those who live in Gaza are a different story. They held free elections and their choice to represent them on the world stage was Hamas, a group whose charter calls for the elimination of the jewish state. The attack of October 7th was the carrying out of their stated goals. It’s impossible to consider them partners for peace or the founders of an independent nation.
The moral bankruptcy in the United States is breathtaking. When George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer we were told it was a national day of reckoning. You were told that you were on the wrong side of history if you dare speak out against Black Lives Matter, with the looting and the leftist political agenda that followed. The death of one person sparked a movement. Which begs the question: How many Jews must be killed before the pro-Hamas bloodthirst is quenched? I suspect the answer is “all of them”.
Chris Conley