Islam, the so-called “religion of peace” – yeah right.
That’s why the Hamas terrorists’ stated goal is to eradicate Jews – and all ‘infidels’ from the earth.
When people tell you who they are, believe them.
The Islamic faith does not view or treat women as equals. In fact, they’re treated like dogs. The Islamic “faith” is not compatible with the values and morals of the United States. Those who hate us, our values, our principles and our way of life should not be allowed to come to America.
However, the American left/Democrats fall all over themselves to roll out the welcome mat for those that want to exterminate non-Muslims from the world. This foolishness is not only stupid, it’s irresponsible and dangerous. Leaving America wide open is enabling and exacerbating the horrific crisis and existential threat of our enemies at our nation’s borders and further encourages and emboldens them. The Biden Administration is failing at protecting the American people and is willfully and deliberately allowing the enemy in to destroy America.
See the below video that will be coming to a community near you if Islam is not stopped. You are a vile and depraved individual if this doesn’t sicken you. And look at the children that are watching and learning that women are to be subjugated and beaten into submission.
Here’s more evidence of the “Religion of Peace” – this Iranian girl pictured below was beaten into brain death, after being judged ‘guilty’ by the Muslim Morality Police for not covering her head. It’s particularly heart wrenching for me, as she eerily resembles my beloved 16-year old niece.
Muslims do not worship the God of creation. Instead, these demons worship Satan. Their “faith” is incompatible with Judeo-Christian values and does not belong in any civilized society.
And don’t forget this guy. He’s a declared enemy of the United States – “the fundamental transformation of America.”
If you love your country, you don’t try to fundamentally transform it.
If you’re not with us, you’re against us. God help us.