CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – The first five people have moved into the Gospel TLC in Weston this week. I’ve talked about this program before… the only faith based residential treatment program in the area for the addicted and the homeless. Residents can live there for up to a year-and-a-half to transform their lives. Without this option, many would re-offend and land back in jail… a squandering of their lives potential and our tax dollars.
I received an email from a counselor who says we shouldn’t call these men “broken.” She argues that the word “broken” has such negative connotations that it’s difficult for an addict to get better. I disagree. And here’s why.
Broken doesn’t imply that something, or in this case, someone can’t be fixed. If your arm is broken, you go to a doctor. If your car is broken, you take it to a mechanic. If your soul is broken, the Gospel TLC program says turn yourself over to Jesus Christ. I know, not every broken bone heals properly. Some old cars still land on the scrap heap. Not everyone who goes to the Gospel TLC program will be able to leave their addictions behind.
I salute and pray for them for trying. One of the tenets of the Christian faith is an acknowledgment that we are all sinners, none of us deserve God’s grace.
And that should give us all a moment of pause. It’s an easy trap to fall into; thinking of Gospel TLC residents as less than you and me. It’s not true. I have additions. I eat too much. I’m too quick to lose my temper. And those are patterns in my life that have existed for years, they just don’t manifest themselves in ways that would leave me homeless or unemployable. But in those areas, I’m broken. There are areas in your life where you’re broken too.
We are all of immeasurable value, children of God, made in His image. May we all call on Christ Jesus for transformation.
Chris Conley
If you would like to become a monthly donor to the Gospel TLC, here’s a link.
The men living there are cooking meals for themselves. They need breakfast food, things like eggs and sausage and pancake batter. Their kitchen also needs large coffee pot and several dutch ovens. If you can give any of those items, please drop them off in person at the Gospel TLC building at Crosse Point Blvd, near the hospital, in Weston.