CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) Governor Tony Evers filed a lawsuit this week against the state legislature. He’s asking the courts to order pay raises for workers at the University of Wisconsin.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is blocking those pay raises until the UW dismantles its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs.
The Governor’s lawsuit is wrong and is unconstitutional, but he may still win as it goes through the liberal court system.
Evers argues that pay raises for all state employees were a part of the state budget he signed. Vos and conservatives in the legislature point out that they control funding for the University of Wisconsin system, and they can withhold UW raises.
The legislature is right. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs are dubious wastes of money. UW, like many other major universities, now have more administrators than professors. Take one look at the DEI web page at the University of Wisconsin, and conservatives will recoil. All students are required to take an indoctrination class. Students are told “They will articulate how the past has affected present day circumstances regarding race and racial inequities in the U.S.“ I would fail such a class. 6 in 10 black babies are born into single-parent households. Less than 1 on 3 are read to as children. Those two statistics explain much of the education gap in our nation. Pointing that out in a diversity class would earn me an “F”.
One of the most impressive items on my resume is this: I was a part-time writing instructor at Yale University. I would not be hired there today. College instructors must write a diversity and inclusion statement before they’re hired. Mine – which would say I’m willing to teach my skills and share my knowledge with anyone regardless of race – would be deemed inadequate. If a hiring manager Googled me, and these commentaries came up, I’d immediately be unacceptable for hiring. In that sense, DEI is holding students back. Black, hispanic, asian, native… even white students… miss out on the writing skills I could teach them, because I’m deemed unacceptable. And, believe me, on a modern college campus, I am the diversity – a card-carrying conservative. The kind of diversity I represent isn’t what they’re looking for.
Chris Conley