CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – To be completely honest, 2023 hasn’t been a good year for me. Behind the scenes of my life, things that aren’t shared in front of this microphone, it’s been a year a personal and financial challenges.
There was a time last month, when I was stranded on the side of the road in my broken-down car, when I was tempted to shout out “can’t anything go right?”.
So, for me, Thanksgiving comes at exactly the right time. As rotten as this year has been, as I take stock I have much to be thankful for. I own a home. I have a successful career. I have enough money to support myself. So the basics of my life are covered. Never have I not had a roof over my head of food in my belly. I’m reminded that not everyone can say that.
I have a family that loves me. Both of my parents are in good health, and are generous with me. If I was in-need, all I would have to do is ask and they would give me anything they have.
I have wonderful friends and co-workers. In the past year, I’ve found a new church. And attending The Cross since last spring has been one of the richest blessings I’ve received.
Even on my lowest days, almost anyone would trade places with me.
For me to complain is blasphemous. God’s blessings have been poured out for me so generously that my cup overflows. Even when things don’t go right, I have the will and strength and good health and resources to work to change them.
I found this prayer of thankfulness. I hope it applies to you, too:
“Thank you, God, for the life you have blessed me with. Thank you for the opportunities that I have been given and for the strength to make the most of them. Thank you for guiding me through difficult times and for giving me the courage to face whatever comes. And thank you for your unconditional love and support, which has seen me through every challenge and kept me going. You are an ever-present source of comfort and hope, and I am deeply grateful for all that you have done for me.”
Chris Conley
You’ve heard me talk before about the Gospel TLC – the only-of-its-kind live-in facility for the addicted and homeless. They need people who are willing to make monthly donations; I have a link here.
The men living at the Gospel TLC are preparing their own meals. They need: boxes of latex gloves for food handling, and they’re looking for volunteers to prepare meals on the weekends. If you’d like to do that, call 715-393-8575.