Wisconsin mom/activist Scarlett Johnson joined me on The Meg Ellefson Show today (Part 2 here) to discuss the disturbing predatory behavior of those who seek to hypersexualize children.
Democrats in our state legislature don’t believe in protecting the innocence of children. They are opposed to informing parents about the books that their children check out from Wisconsin public school libraries. What’s next? Banning parents from checking on their children’s grades? What about the food they purchase in the school cafeteria with their lunch money? Drugs dispensed from the school nurse? God forbid parents should be permitted to be advocates for their children and be informed about what they are exposed to and taught in taxpayer-funded schools.
What are some of the books of concern? The text in many of these books is even inappropriate for adults to read in detail out loud and some of the text is actually against FCC regulations for broadcast on air.
What’s the end game for these predatory Democrats? To steal the hearts, minds and souls of children? To deprive them of the morals and values of their parents?
What other explanation could there be?
In today’s day and age, why wouldn’t every adult want to strive to protect the innocence of children?
Under current Wisconsin law, “it is a crime to import, print, sell, possess for sale, publish, exhibit, play, or distribute any obscene material; to produce or perform in any obscene performance; to require, as a condition to the purchase of periodicals, that a retailer accept obscene material; to distribute, exhibit, or play any obscene material to a person under the age of 18 years; or to possess with intent to distribute, exhibit, or play to a person under the age of 18 years any obscene material. Obscene material means a writing, picture, film, or other recording that the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find appeals to the prurient interest if taken as a whole; that under contemporary community standards describes or shows sexual conduct in a patently offensive way; and that lacks serious literary, artistic, political, educational, or scientific value, if taken as a whole.”
Evidently, Democrat legislators, like the one below don’t have any problem with adults violating the law when it comes to the innocence of children:
Thankfully, Republican legislators are supporting bills which protect childhood innocence.
Don’t believe the Democrat spin on these bills. Listen to Rep. Scott Allen for yourself as opposed to being duped by the left’s deceptive narrative.
On Tuesday, December 5th, there will be a public hearing that will address obscene materials in schools and ensure that school employees are held accountable for distributing such material. Consider attending and testifying in support of AB 308.
The hearing will be held in room 412 East of the Capitol beginning at 9am on Tuesday, December 5.
I know. For Democrats, misery loves company.
We must fight to protect the innocence of children!