Central Wisconsin Storm trophy lift. Image courtesy: WAOW TV
WAUSAU, WI (WSAU) — The Wausau Board of Education has signed off on a two-year extension for the Central Wisconsin Storm Girl’s Hockey co-op.
Some on the board expressed a desire to see the co-op dissolved so each school could have its own team, but that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Representatives noted that the expenses associated with the sport make it difficult to build a program from scratch, and participation could be an issue as well. “Boys or girls, I don’t see anybody starting up a hockey program who doesn’t already have one.”
Just over 30 players populate this year’s roster which he says allows them to put a full varsity and JV squad on the ice most nights, meaning everyone gets playing time. If the roster were split in half, action would be limited to varsity squads. The team could also be one or two injuries or ineligible student-athletes away from having to cancel games. “If we had a team of 17 [players] we would probably only play varsity. In those really important games we would only stake two or two and a half lines and five or six of those girls wouldn’t get opportunities [to play.]”
The agreement includes both Wausau East and West Highs along with D.C. Everest and Mosinee. Previous versions of the co-op have included schools like Merrill, Wittenberg-Birnhamwood, and Marathon City.
Everest serves as the “host” school, with the others included as “satellite” schools. Board members gave their approval on Monday, the other schools also need to sign off before the documents are turned over to the WIAA. The extension covers the 2024 and 2025 competition seasons.