Will the search for an Administrator in Kronenwetter finally be over?
The Village Board of Trustees will meet at 6:00 PM Monday to interview current Public Works Director Leonard Ludi, who has expressed interest in taking over the position. The board is scheduled to come out of the closed session and consider an offer for Ludi.
The Village has gone nearly two years without a permanent, full-time administrator since Richard Downey left in the summer of 2022. The board has conducted multiple searches since then, and multiple people have held an interim tag during that time.
One search ended with an offer that was later pulled back after concerning items came up during a background check. Kampfer’s offer was rescinded last week after it became clear that he wouldn’t be able to provide a firm start date due to complications at his current job.
Among those who have taken up the interim tag is former Village of Plover Administrator Dan Mahoney, who served as a part-time interim during the summer of 2023 and since then has been providing “on-call” services from his home.
The board is also scheduled to consider a mentorship agreement with Mahoney during an Administrative Policy Committee meeting on Tuesday. According to a copy of the agreement included in Tuesday’s agenda packet, that would include up to 4 hours of mentoring services per week at a rate of $75 per hour plus mileage for any in-person meetings.