Weston Municipal Building. MWC photo by Mike Leischner
We are expecting an announcement from leaders in Weston and Rothschild regarding plans to grow the Everest Metro Police Department during a news conference on Tuesday morning.
Leaders from both areas have discussed folding the Rothschild PD into the EMPD, an idea that has been kicked around for years but now could find real legs in the face of Clay Schulz’s pending retirement.
Schulz has been Chief of the EMPD since 2017, a six-year run that was recently marked with allegations of sexual misconduct that a female employee of the department brought forward last summer. The employee, who was not a sworn officer, said Chief Schulz made inappropriate comments about her looks and features, which Schulz denied.
Schulz will officially retire on February 1st. Wausau Pilot and Review has reported that the EMPD Commission will not explore hiring a new Chief until a decision has been made on merging the departments, which would require an intergovernmental agreement.
Tuesday’s announcement is scheduled for 8:30 AM at the Weston Municipal Center. WSAU News reached out to leaders from both communities last week, both said they would provide more information during the event.
Everest Metro PD currently serves the Village of Weston, the Town of Weston, and the City of Schofield.
A proposed merger of the PD’s was voted down in 2013, though the communities did vote a few years later to create a single fire and rescue department.