CONLEY COMMENTARY (WSAU) – Here’s a reasonable question about Wausau’s plan to replace 8,000 lead water lines: Why just Wausau? Why are leaders in Stevens Point, Marshfield, and Wisconsin Rapids blissfully unconcerned about lead water lines in their communities?
Maybe it’s because Wausau Mayor Katie Rosenberg has a higher political ladder than the leaders of those other cities. Some liberal dreamers see her as a state senator or a congresswoman someday. So she was invited to a White House get-the-lead-out junket. No offense to the mayors of other cities in our area, but none seem likely to climb above their current offices.
And a few months later the White House sent a policy wonk, Tom Perez, to Wausau for a photo op with the Mayor. No worries! We have a public-private partnership with a company called Community Infrastructure Partners. They’ll get federal grants to do the work… no cost to the city or to homeowners. A free lunch for Wausau!
Only we’ve found out now that the leaders of Community Infrastructure Partners were in business as another company a few years ago. That company was called Corvias. And Corvias took federal grants to fix up college dormitories and military housing. The work was shoddy. What did happen was that Corvias got huge amounts of federal grant money. And, surprise, their corporate management team are all big donors to Democrat candidates and causes. So it wasn’t really about fixing up housing. It was a money transfer… federal dollars that turned into democrat campaign cash.
That’s exactly what’s happening with lead pipes in Wausau. Sheboygan and Milwaukee are also going to be lead pipe removal cities.
I’ve asked in these commentaries why are we also replacing lead sewage pipes – which carry used water away? There’s no chance of humans ingesting the water once it’s flushed down the toilet or goes down the drain. But it does jack up the cost of doing the work. So… more grant money for Community Infrastructure Partners… and more money to kick back to Democrat causes.
So, what should happen now that this lead replacement project is exposed? Everything must stop. An ordinance that orders the removal of lead pipes should be tabled. Remember, if this is so urgent, why is only Wausau in a frenzy on the issue? And the contract with Community Infrastructure Partners should be scrapped. Their management has a poor track record.
Which brings us to the more important question, for our mayor. Mayor Katie, did you know that Community Infrastructure Partners is a democrat donor funnel? For instance, are any of the companies involved in lead pipe removal campaign donors of yours? Or were you kept in the dark to play the role of a useful idiot?
Chris Conley